Lambu given two-day pardon to catch silverfish as schools reopen 

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Fishermen at Lambu landing site, Bukakata Sub County in Masaka District are in a mad rush to catch silverfish after the Fisheries Protection Unit (FPU) temporarily lifted a ban on silverfish ahead of school reopening.

The FPU Commandant, Lt Col Mercy Tukahirwa said Friday that they had  suspended their operations against fishing silverfish for only two days, until September 15, 2024, after esidents said they had no other source of income to raise fees for their kids and buy scholastic materials as schools reopen for third term on September 16.

“The activity is for only two days. You should stop politicking about the fishing activity and follow the right process. Have the required fishing gear in place. Do not listen to politicians who are failing to give the right advice,” she said in a meeting with the residents who survive on Lake Victoria.

This followed overwhelming complaints from the fishing community that their children had dropped out of school after their parents failed to raise money for school fees and scholastic materials.

They said government operations against alleged use of illegal fishing gear now in the seventh month has left them caught between a rock and a hard place. 
Ms Irene Nantongo, a resident of Lambu landing site said that for over seven months, they have not done any fishing activities on the lake since their site largely has the silverfish whose trawling is now on suspension.
“My husband was arrested on allegations of illegal fishing. The money I would be getting from the silverfish is no more since we were banned from trawling mukene on the lake,” she said.
Mr Gerald Lubezi, a Councillor representing Bukakkata Sub County asked Lt Col Kahirwa to help reach out to the Ministry of Agriculture Animal Industry and Fisheries to ensure that the ongoing investigations about the illegal fishing nets launched in February 2024 is concluded.

According to Lubezi, the whole Bukakkata Sub County depends on taxes from the landing site and they no longer get any money to run the Sub County.
Major Joseph Labu Cherop, the officer in charge of intelligence in the FPU advised the fishermen to buy the standard fishing nets such that by the time they are allowed to do their activities, they are not harassed by enforcement officers.
“Before you cry to have the fishing ban lifted, let us all ensure that we have the legally accepted fishing nets. We shall not have the UPDF officers running after you anymore if you put things right,” he said.
The Masaka District Fisheries officer, Mr Richard Saazi revealed that out of the 104 boats on the lake, only 30 boats are licensed. He warned the fishermen against using boats that are illegal for fishing purposes.
Ms Sarah Babirye Kityo, a leader in the area said that the blame for the fishermen not to understand the exact types of fishing nets should be put on the Bukoto East MP who was in Parliament and passed the bill but failed to explain to his people he leads.
“Let us accept that the FPU is not harassing you, it is you that use illegal fishing nets because the people you sent to represent you have not done enough to help educate you. They should be explaining to you the details about the type of fishing nets acceptable on the Lake,” She said.
Lt Col Mercy Tukahirwa on September 13, ordered the FPU sector commander Lt Phenehas Bugingo, to return all the boats and engines which were confiscated from the fishing community at Lambu landing site in Masaka District.
In February this year (2024), the state Minister for Fisheries Hellen Adoa announced that the government had banned the use of illegal fishing nets to trawl silverfish. Government recommends the use of Chota-chota on all water bodies across the country for fishing.

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