Try to fit your divine paths into our limitations – The Kampala Report



Readings: Is 50:5-9a. Jas 2:14-18. Mk 8:27-35

Surrender doesn’t sound like a cool word. Somehow, it’s as if we’re naturally wired to control and to dominate. We seek to dominate the physical world. We try to control our situations and circumstances.

We try to bend Life in a direction that favours us. Sometimes, we apply this to our human relations. In our desire to dominate, we end up into manipulation.

By God’s grace, we sometimes get inroads into other people’s lives. It could be as friends, spouses, children, parents, colleagues, business partners, teachers, or followers (even as supporters of an ideology espoused by someone).

It could be due to certain graces already working in us, or completely new graces (such as a revelation).

Instead of responding to such grace with gratitude, to honour other people’s divine paths, purposes and destinies, we try to fit them into our own limitedness. That way, we fall out of the purpose of the relationship. We stop being the gifts we were intended to be.

May Jesus Christ grant us the grace to walk our personal journeys so well that we will give others the opportunity to walk theirs.

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