Church spends Shs18 billion on new All Saints Cathedral – The Kampala Report

18 billion Shillings has been spent on the new 5,000-seater All Saints Cathedral Kampala.

The new Cathedral, which will be opened on November 1st has been under construction since 2010. It represents a significant expansion of the church’s worship space. The new Cathedral has diocesan offices, parish offices, two levels of parking, two chapels, and a prayer tower, among others.

According to Vivian Igundura, Chairperson of the All-Saints’ Cathedral Project-ACP, the construction costs have reached 18 billion Shillings.

“The question asked on the finances used so far, is about 18 billion to where we are now, actually the estimate by the first architects that time was far much more. It was 34 billion. But the teams that took over the work have been very prudent. At this point, we’re at 18 billion and we don’t expect it to go beyond 25 billion. Igundura said.

Addressing Journalists at the Cathedral premises on Thursday, the Archbishop Church of Uganda, Dr Samuel Stephen Kaziimba-Mugalu, said all the resources have been contributed by members of the church and individual well-wishers.

“We are grateful to the Lord for the provision of resources and efforts by, members, individual well-wishers, banks, corporate organizations, and our partner in mission and Ministry for prayers and giving. This church will have 5000 seats, one of the biggest in Uganda, this is great work of Christians.”He said.

Kazimba explained that the furnishing of the exterior remaining part of the new cathedral will commence next year, at the tune of about six billion Shillings which they are still looking for.

The Chairperson of the Organizing Committee, Amama Mbabazi said that the committee has set a budget of 700 million Shillings for the opening event.

Kazimba said that during the event, Rev Canon Fredrick Jackson Baalwa will be consecrated as the Assistant Bishop of the Diocese of Kampala, taking over from Dr. Hannington Mutebi who announced his retirement at the end of 2024.

The event will also see the ordination of new clergy and the installation of Canons of All Saints’ Cathedral.

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