I Blocked Acidic Vokoz from Receiving Bobi Wine’s Endorsement for His Concert – Abitex

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Events promoter Abbey Musiguzi, also known as Abitex, was once good friends with Bobi Wine. However, their relationship ended after Bobi Wine refused to perform at last year’s Enkuuka event.

Since then, Abitex has distanced himself from Bobi Wine and believes the NUP President no longer has the power to influence music events and concerts.

Abitex claims that Bobi Wine no longer generates excitement, which is one reason he blocked Acidic Vokoz from visiting NUP offices in Kavule, Makerere.

“I believe God is the one who manifests power, not Bobi Wine, as some people think. He no longer brings excitement and has lost his influence. I even stopped Acidic Vokoz from going there despite having an appointment with him. But you saw that the concert was successful,” he said in part during an interview with a local television station.

Abitex believes that artists with good music will continue to receive love from Ugandans despite political differences.

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