I’ve Built a Legacy in Dancehall Music – Ziza Bafana

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Dancehall musician Ziza Bafana has been in the music industry for over sixteen years, witnessing its ups and downs.

Bafana recently shared his achievements from the industry, stating that his greatest accomplishment is the legacy he has created and maintained in the dancehall genre.

“I have created a legacy in the music industry and I have been at the top of the dancehall culture for a long time. However, I still need to do more,” he said in part during an interview with a local television station.

Bafana also revealed that he has built a house from the proceeds of his music, along with acquiring other luxurious items, including vehicles.

“I have built a house from my music, and I always dreamed of driving, which I now do. There are many things to be proud of, but we have also been restricted by government policies,” he said.

Bafana made his breakthrough in the early 2010s as part of a duo with Yiya Mowzey.

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