Kainerugaba hails rise of BRICS, says shared global power benefits Africa

Kainerugaba praised the emergence of BRICS, a coalition of leading non-Western economies, as a symbol of this new global order, asserting that solidarity among nations of the global south is key to Africa’s political and economic growth.

The lecture, titled The Impact of a Multipolar World on Africa’s Security Posture, featured a panel discussion with key figures like Maj Gen Nathan Mugisha and Prof Phillip Kasaija. Additionally, Gen (rtd) Salim Saleh, joining via Zoom, discussed the military’s role in Uganda’s economic progress. The events, dubbed the Hon Gen Aronda Nyakairima Memorial Events, also feature the inaugural Kampala Defence and Security Expo, running from September 10 to 12.

Gen. Aronda Nyakairima, who was the Minister of Internal Affairs, died in 2015 while returning from a security conference in South Korea.

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