CAA to expand Soroti flying school airstrip

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Uganda Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) is planning to expand Soroti flying school airstrip infrastructure starting with the the runway.

Speaking to Monitor, Eng Benedict Ovura, the Principal airport operations officer at CAA, confirmed that they will determine the extent of the land required for expansion and start off with the work.

“We want land because of the extension of the runway,” Eng Ovura said.

He said that the land around the airstrip must be controlled including activities for safety especially land that is direct to the airstrip.

Mr Ovura said that the land in question is that around Kichijanji and Aminit which they will need the persons who have settled there to vacant after they have established the size of land required.

He added that they want to expand the runway to accommodate bigger aircrafts for development purposes.

Mr Peter Pex Paak, the resident city commissioner Soroti city, said that some residents of Madera ward, Aminit and Kichijanji registered a complaint in his office which prompted him to call for a meeting with the team from CAA.

“Three weeks ago a contractor came to open up boundaries of the land of CAA and the community complained in my office so we invited CAA for a meeting,” Mr Paak said.

According to him they have resolved to first establish the size of the land and identify persons affected by the project.

Mr Paak said that they will have to engage the community on the specific piece of land that the airstrip needs to be expanded.

He appealed to the community to halt involvement in litigation saying part of CAA land has been encroached on by people in Soroti city.

“If you look at the size of land that was surveyed it is too big and both Kichijanji and Aminit are affected,” Mr Paak said after the meeting with the CAA team on September 10.

Mr Paul Omer, the Soroti city west division Mayor, said that what has been resolved is a good since litigation delays government projects.

“We are avoiding the aspect of litigation because many projects of the government are delayed,” Mr Omer said.

However, he said that it was wrong for CAA to go on ground to put mark stones without consulting the people.

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