Gravity Omutujju Denies Concert Losses, Plans Next Year’s Festival!

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Rapper Gravity Omutujju has admitted that his recent concert did not attract the number of fans he had anticipated.

He explained that, like any other business, while he did not make profits that day, he is grateful that he did not incur any losses.

Gravity said he personally budgeted for the concert and ensured that he had set aside the money he had invested, assuring fans they need not worry about him incurring losses.

“It didn’t go as usual, but at least I didn’t incur losses. I designed the budget myself and set aside the money I put in, and there were no losses,” he said during a press briefing on Wednesday.

Gravity Omutujju also revealed that he makes more money performing upcountry than in Kampala and plans to stage another concert next year at Lugogo Cricket Oval.

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