Fame sometimes feel like prison – Beyonce

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Famous American singer, Beyoncé Knowles-Carter has said fame can sometimes feel like a prison.

The 43-year-old said she now makes music at her own pace.

Speaking in a GQ interview, Beyoncé said she isn’t focused on perfectionism but innovation.

She explained that she disappears from the public eye when she isn’t sharing her art because fame is sometimes a burden.

“I create at my own pace, on things that I hope will touch other people. I hope my work encourages people to look within themselves and come to terms with their own creativity, strength, and resilience. I focus on storytelling, growth, and quality. I’m not focused on perfectionism. I focus on evolution, innovation, and shifting perception,” she said

“Working on the music for Cowboy Carter and launching this exciting new project feels nothing like prison, nor a burden. In fact, I only work on what liberates me. It is fame that can at times feel like prison. So, when you don’t see me on red carpets, and when I disappear until I have art to share, that’s why.”

Asked if she has retirement plans, Beyoncé said, “Good music and strong messages will never retire.”

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