Ekyooto Ha Mpango festival looms

Organized by Talent Africa Group, the festival will offer a myriad of activities ranging from a VIP music festival featuring top Ugandan artists like Blu 3, Fik Fameica, and dancehall sensation Beenie Gunter, to adventure-filled tours including a visit to the Sempaya hot springs and chimpanzee trekking in Kibaale. Attendees will also have the opportunity to explore the crater lakes and enjoy a guided tour of the royal palace.

Further enhancing the festival’s allure are local talents from Fort Portal such as Atwooki Richie and Irene Henda, alongside renowned DJs like DJ Tony and DJ Bash, set to keep the crowd energized with their beats. The event also boasts a fashion gala showcasing both traditional and contemporary designs, adding a visual spectacle to the auditory enjoyment.

The sports enthusiasts won’t be left out, with activities such as golf, basketball, and netball scheduled, ensuring that there’s something for everyone. Aly Allibhai, CEO of Talent Africa Group, emphasized the uniqueness of the festival, stating, “This festival is a unique opportunity to celebrate our heritage and enjoy an incredible lineup of talent. We encourage everyone to grab their tickets now to avoid missing out on this spectacular celebration!”

Tickets are readily available online at, with discounts accessible through mobile payments, making it easier for everyone to partake in this vibrant celebration. The festival is not only a platform for entertainment but also a profound cultural gathering that enhances community ties and showcases the rich heritage of Uganda.

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