Kyambogo University to build hostels, sports complex for students

The first major initiative focuses on developing new student accommodations designed to house 10,000 students. The new facilities will feature a mix of single and double-occupancy rooms, complete with accessibility features such as ramps and elevators to cater to students with disabilities. In addition, the accommodations will be equipped with essential amenities, including restaurants, study rooms, cable TV, internet connections, and self-contained rooms.

Given the university’s limited accommodation offerings and the growing demand for affordable housing, this project aims to bridge that gap and create a modern and comfortable living space for students,” stated Vice-Chancellor Katunguka.

The second initiative is the construction of a multi-purpose sports complex, which will also include a business center. The complex is planned to house an indoor arena that can accommodate a variety of sports such as basketball, volleyball, netball, handball, badminton, futsal, swimming, and water polo.

With a seating capacity of 5,000 and parking for over 340 cars, the complex will also be used for community and educational events. According to the university, this facility aims to promote physical development and improve the overall academic performance of students.

Roberts Bataringaya, Director of Planning at Kyambogo University, shared progress updates on the projects, stating that they have attracted interest from investors from various countries, including the USA, China, Turkey, South Africa, Kenya, and Uganda. He emphasized the university’s commitment to ensuring compliance with the PPP Act by consulting extensively with stakeholders, including students, staff, and the local community.

Bataringaya also highlighted that the procurement process for these projects is now underway. The university plans to shortlist bidders who meet specific criteria for capacity and capital-raising. “We are going to shortlist the best bidders who meet criteria including capacity and raising capital,” Bataringaya said.

Kyambogo University has allocated about 31 acres of land for the projects, with 20 acres dedicated to the accommodation facilities and 11 acres for the sports complex. This strategic land allocation underscores the university’s commitment to enhancing its infrastructure to accommodate its growing student population and foster a more vibrant community environment.

These developments are expected to not only cater to the university’s expanding enrollment but also positively impact the local community. As Kyambogo University moves forward with these projects, they represent a significant step towards modernizing the institution and providing world-class facilities for students and staff alike.

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