Bontle Modiselle gets emotional as her Instagram account reaches 4 millon followers

Bontle Modiselle 1

Bontle Modiselle 1

Bontle Modiselle now on 4 million followers on Instagram

Bontle Modiselle gets emotional today due to a milestone that she reached with her Instagram account.

The South African star is one of the most followed choreographers and she’s grateful to people who have made the milestone a reality.

Bontle announced that she has 4 million people following her, since she launched the account in March 2014.

“+Million of you love it here. Since March 2014, you’ve been riding with me. I appreciate you. I see you. I Thank you 🙏🏽🤝🏾❤️ Stay along for the ride…the journey is long. God speed,” she captioned post.

Followers flooded the account with congratulatory messages.

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