Mbale Heroes FC Withdraws from Super 8 Tournament

Mbale Heroes X1.webp

By Weswa Ronnie




The management of Mbale Heroes Football Club has announced their withdrawal from the ongoing Mbale Super 8 Tournament to focus on preparations for their first Uganda Premier League match against Express on September 14, 2024.


The pre-season tournament is held every year at Mbale Stadium to prepare various teams for the upcoming season.


The club’s public relations officer, Michael Woniala, informed our reporter on Monday, 9th September, 2024 that the team will no longer participate in the tournament, stating that their priority has shifted to the upcoming league match.


He says the team has had a busy week with several matches, and the players need time to rest.


Mbale Heroes FC had already played two Super 8 matches, securing a win against Myda FC, a visiting team from Bukedea in the tournament, and drawing with MBALE Garage FC.


They were set to play Nakaloke Garage on Monday evening before the decision to withdraw was made.



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