Hamza Ssebunya Congratulates Kenzo on Presidential Appointment as Advisor

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Last week, award-winning musician Eddy Kenzo was appointed as a presidential advisor on creatives by President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni.

His appointment was met with much excitement in the music industry, with many people coming forward to congratulate him.

Now, Rema’s husband, Hamza Ssebunya, has also congratulated Eddy Kenzo on his appointment, encouraging people to celebrate with him.

“I think it’s important to celebrate someone when they achieve such a milestone. I congratulate him on the appointment and wish him well,” Hamza Ssebunya said in an interview with a local television station.

The husband of Rema Namakula emphasized that Kenzo is like a brother to him and that he only wishes him the best in life.

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