LUWEERO: Sheikh Applies Herbs In 12 Year Old Girl’s Private Parts, Defiles Her


By Our Reporter




A Sheikh in Luwero Town Council, Luwero district has been apprehended by the Police after he allegedly defiled a 12 year old whose mother had taken her to him for local treatment.


Sheikh Mohammed Uthuman was arrested on 6th September, 2024 having committed the offense around 28th August, 2024.


According to the Police PRO, ACP Rusoke in his statement today, on August 22, 2024, a 12-year-old female juvenile, whose name is withheld, a pupil at Esteem Nursery and Primary School, residing in Galuweero Zone, Luweero Town Council fell ill, prompting her grandmother to take her to Sheikh Mohammed Uthuman for herbal treatment.


The sheikh informed the grandmother that the treatment would last for six days. During this period, the grandmother would wait outside while the sheikh called the victim into the treatment room alone.


Inside, he allegedly instructed her to remove her clothes and lie on a mat, applying herbal medicine around her waist.

On the sixth day, he reportedly smeared the herbs on the victim’s private parts and proceeded to defile her, claiming he was casting out demons.


The victim endured this abuse and eventually confided in her grandmother about the pain she experienced. However, her grandmother dismissed her concerns, speaking positively about the sheikh, which discouraged the victim from seeking further help.


Determined to be heard, the victim later confided in her headteacher, who took her seriously and contacted her father.


This led to a police report being filed on September 6, 2024.


The police have since arrested the suspect, who is now being prepared for prosecution. It is crucial for parents to accompany their children when interacting with strangers, service providers, and even relatives.

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