KATAKWI: Born Again Church Launches Deliverance Prayers on Road Accidents

Army of Christchurch Delivery Getom Katakwi Odoot Road scaled e1725868307688

By Our reporter



Chosen Army of Christ delivering Toroma Road
Chosen Army of Christ delivering Toroma Road

In an effort to reduce accidents on Katakwi highways, the Born Again denomination’s Chosen Army of Christ Katakwi church, which is situated in Angopet Cell Katakwi district, has started prayer campaigns against the rampant accidents on the Moroto-Katakwi Highway.


The three-day prayer that began on September 4th , 2024, along the Katakwi-Moroto main route, is directed at the hotspot accident regions along Getom, extending to Odoot, and in the Toroma Roundabout, ended on Saturday, 7th September along Usuk road.

Under the theme “Operation to uproot accidents and cover the road with precise blood of Jesus Christ,” Pastor Gilbert Okiria Moko, the leader of Chosen army of Christ Katakwi, claims that God called them in a vision for this prayer over the numerous accidents that occur in the district.


He thinks that by conducting the prayers, there will be fewer accidents—or at the very least, fewer incidents—in the hotspot locations as in Matthew 15:13.

Maxson Ngoya, a traffic officer attached to Katakwi CPS, was pleased with the church’s efforts to reduce the number of road accidents by including prayer into traffic education.

Ngoya urged the other religious groups to follow suit by focusing on issues that can lower the number of accidents.

A section of Road users such as Okurut Musa, Gabriel Otim of Toroma, Jane Florence Adeke, and Jessica Ikiyait of Odoot Trading Center, believe that God has finally answered their prayers regarding the bloodshed caused by the accidents.

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