“DJ Maphorisa found Amapiano here, he did not create it” – Sol Phenduka

Sol Phenduka DJ Maphorisa

Sol Phenduka DJ Maphorisa

Sol Phenduka says DJ Maphorisa found the Amapiano music genre

Sol Phenduaka speaks bluntly to DJ Maphorisa on Podcast and Chill.

The music producer sparked a stir on social media recently after claiming that he saved the Amapiano industry. He further bragged about how he helped Kabza De Small and many other Yano artists.

Phori said he felt betrayed by the accusations of exploitation levelled against him by other artists whom he has helped.

Addressing DJ Maphorisa’s claim, Sol Phenduak who has a DJ career slammed Phori for making himself a god in the game.

The presenter explicitly stated that Amapiano was found by Maphorisa but not created by him.

Though, he acknowledged Phori’s influence on the game, but further made it known that Kabza De Small has been DJing way before Phori joined the Amapiano game.

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