Entebbe Municipal Development Forum President Accused of Voter Bribery

Rev. Julius Matovu delivering his speech as his rivals listen scaled e1725876701218

By Sadique Bamwita



The newly elected president for Entebbe Municipal Development Forum (MDF), Rev. Julius Matovu is being challenged by locals for dishing money to members of the forum to vote him. The Man of God garnered 15 votes defeating his rivals; Gracious Ahimbisibwe and Daniel Ssebuliba who garnered 3 votes each. The duo has since then refused to concede defeat saying the election was not free and fair since it was marred with voter bribery.


Speaking to this reporter on September 8, 2024, Mr. Gracious Ahimbisibwe who is a male youth representative on the Municipal Development Forum but also participated in the Forum presidential race, said he doesn’t accept that Rev. Matovu defeated him genuinely arguing that he bribed his voters who were eventually taken up by money.


Mr. Ahimbisibwe argues that Rev. Matovu is much occupied with church work at St. Luke Nabagereka Catholic Church, and that he may not have enough time to monitor and oversee the developments within Entebbe Municipality. He adds that to make matters worse, Rev. Matovu doesn’t reside in Entebbe Municipality but resides in Nkumba –Bufuulu zone, an outskirt of Katabi Town Council.


“Since he doesn’t stay in Entebbe Municipality, technically he doesn’t qualify to be forum president.  For example, one of the contesters was knocked out of race for being a non- resident of Entebbe Municipality,” says Ahimbisiibwe.


In his maiden speech upon being declared winner, Rev. Julius Matovu, expressed pleasure upon winning the Forum presidency and pledged to work as team in order to achieve the set goals. He however called on locals in Entebbe to work hand in hand with the municipal development forum for better service delivery.


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