It’s hypocritical to say Christians should not listen to secular music – Joyce Blessing


However, in an interview with 3FM, the ‘I Swerve’ singer described such claims as ‘hypocrisy.’

According to her, many secular songs are motivational and can be appreciated by Christians for the positive messages they convey.

“It’s not correct, it’s hypocrisy to say that. There are secular songs that are motivational,” Joyce Blessing stated.

She cited examples of inspirational songs by various artistes, including Akwaboah, whose music she described as uplifting, and Sarkodie, whose verse in a collaboration with Black Sherif she found motivational. She also mentioned Stonebwoy’s song ‘Strength and Hope’ as another example.

“So it’s not every secular song that is evil. Some of these songs motivate us,” she added.

It has been a never ending conservation whether gospel artists should listen to secular songs or not.

The Ghanaian Gospel singer, born Moses Osei Kwarteng, during an interview with Onua TV/Onua FM entertainment journalist, Victor Kodom said Christians have no business in listening to secular songs because it does not edify them.

You can’t listen to songs that do not carry the word of God, songs that don’t correspond with the scriptures. That’s why I don’t encourage people to listen to secular songs,” he said.

In the interview, Moses expatiated that words that are the lyrics of songs are spirit and it produces power, so he encouraged people to listen to songs that have the spirit of God, which is Gospel music.

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