NRM caucus resolve to support merger of all govt agencies

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The National Resistance Movement (NRM) Parliamentary Caucus which sat at State House, Entebbe, on Friday, September 6, 2024, to discuss the Rationalisation of Government Agencies and Public Expenditure (RAPEX), has resolved to support the Bills.

The meeting, chaired by President Yoweri Museveni, focused on a report from the Parliamentary Committees of Agriculture, National Economy, and Finance, which met on September 3, 2024.

“We have resolved to support the presentation and passing into law by parliament, all the Bills on the Rationalisation of Government Agencies and Public Expenditure (RAPEX) providing for a three (03) year transitional period for Uganda Coffee Development Authority (UCDA) and National Information Technology Authority, Uganda (NITA-U),” Mr Obua Denis Hamson, Government Chief Whip and Chairperson of the NRM Parliamentary Caucus, wrote in a statement released Friday evening.

“We are mindful of the strategic importance of RAPEX,” the caucus resolved. “We warmly appreciate the keynote address and guidance of His Excellency Gen Yoweri Museveni.”

The RAPEX initiative aims to streamline government agencies and reduce public expenditure. The caucus’s resolution demonstrates its commitment to supporting the government’s efforts to promote fiscal discipline and effective resource allocation.

Close to 20 agencies have been affected by the Rapex since July 1 per the ministry.

“In line with the government directive, the implementation of structures under Rapex began on July 1, 2024, therefore, all the institutions affected should take note and prepare towards this target. The same timelines apply to directors in accordance with the directives of Cabinet accordingly,” Catherine Bitarakwate, the Public Service ministry’s permanent secretary (PS), said at a media briefing recently.

Under the Ministry of Tourism, Wildlife and Antiquities, the Uganda Wildlife Education Centre (UWEC) has been merged with Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA). In the Ministry of Public Service, the National Records and Archives Centre law has been assented to and duly removed.

Elsewhere, in the Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development (MGLSD), councils, including the National Youth Council, National Women Council, National Children’s Authority, National Council for Disability, and the National Council for Older Persons, are being merged under one secretariat.

According to Ms Bitarakwate, only “the political bodies of those councils which are elected councils remain, but the administrative functions that were under their secretariats now form one secretariat”. She also further disclosed that the “National Children’s Authority goes as a department into the Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development”.

Under the proposed government merger, UCDA would be integrated into the Ministry of Agriculture as a department, while NITA-U’s roles would be taken over by the ministry of ICT.

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