Namasagali College’s Fr. Damien Grimes dies

Juliana Kanyomozi, one of Uganda’s most celebrated musicians and an alumnus of Namasagali College, took to social media to pay tribute to her former teacher. She wrote, “What a legacy!!! Rest in paradise Father Damian Grimes.”

Similarly, fellow artist Iryn Namubiru, also a former student of the renowned arts school, posted, “Rest well Fr. Grimes,” echoing the sentiments of the many who passed through the halls of Namasagali under his stewardship.

Father Grimes’ leadership at Namasagali College spanned more than three decades, from 1967 to 2000, during which he revolutionized education by emphasizing holistic development.

His forward-thinking approach helped mold not just academic achievers but well-rounded individuals, many of whom have gone on to excel in various fields, including the arts, sports, and leadership.

Grimes was instrumental in shaping Namasagali into a vibrant institution known for its extracurricular excellence.

He introduced computer studies in 1985, Uganda’s first school swimming pool, and fostered a strong emphasis on drama and public speaking. The school’s unique blend of academic rigor and arts education made it a breeding ground for future stars, including many artists and media personalities.

The legacy of Father Grimes extends far beyond academics. He imparted life lessons in duty, integrity, and responsibility to his students, many of whom, like Juliana and Namubiru, continue to carry his teachings with them today. His influence in shaping Uganda’s arts and media scene will not be forgotten, and his memory will live on through the countless lives he touched.

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