“I am tired of the pain,” Vusi Nova loses another loved one to gun violence

Vusi Nova

Vusi Nova

Vusi Nova mourns the death of another friend

Vusi Nova is heartbroken following the passing of a close friend named Gift.

The South African musician is in a mourning phase, as he is yet to get over the death of Mzansi’s famous poet Dr. Jessica Mbangeni.

Taking to Instagram this Friday, Vusi says he is tired of the pain of losing his loved ones.

“I’m tired, I’m tired of the pain. Kubuhlungu maan,” he wrote in a post where he also shared photos of gift who was gunned down.

“So tired of this heartache.💔 bawo kodwa hini? You keep taking people I care about. Gift you didn’t deserve to be gunned down like that mfethu. Kubuhlungu,” Vusi Nova captioned post.

Friends and followers expressed sympathy, and penned down words of comfort to the hurting singer.

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