Zubedah responds as Sendi warns she risks prison after Hijab Nation


Sendi, who has had previous run-ins with Zubedah, didn’t mince words in his critique.

“If she doesn’t stop organising shows, she will end up in prison. She needs to talk to Kasuku and [Omulangira] Ndausi. She’ll understand what it takes to organise successful events and stop getting involved,” he said, recalling her 2023 event at the Kampala Serena Hotel, which also suffered from poor attendance.

Eddie Sendi went on to comment about the backlash Zubedah faced from the Muslim community over Hijab Nation. “She organised Hijab Nation and Muslims campaigned against it… [Laughs]… I’m not a Muslim, but I don’t like when people go against religious principles. But she’ll be fine,” he added.

In response, Zubedah, while speaking to Kasuku on her YouTube channel Executive Media, revealed that she’s already planning her next event — a picnic at the Botanical Gardens in Entebbe. She brushed off the negative feedback, insisting that Hijab Nation was a success in her eyes and that she has no plans to stop organising shows.

While Eddie Sendi’s words might sting, they come from someone with decades of experience in event management. He has recently organised major events for Ugandan stars like Rema Namakula and the Buganda Prime Minister, Charles Peter Mayiga. He is also behind the upcoming Gravity Omutujju concert set to take place this Saturday at Lugogo Cricket Oval in Kampala.

Despite the criticism, Zubedah is standing firm, ready to prove her critics wrong with more events on the horizon.

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