Ugandan athlete’s father reveals tussle that led to attack on Rebecca Cheptengei


In a harrowing incident that has left the athletic community in shock, Ugandan marathoner Rebecca Cheptegei is currently fighting for her life at the Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital (MTRH) in Eldoret.

The 33-year-old athlete, who recently represented Uganda at the 2024 Paris Olympics, sustained severe burns after being set on fire by her ex-boyfriend in a shocking act of violence.

The incident occurred on Sunday in Chumeek village, Kinyoro, Trans Nzoia County. According to the athletes father, Cheptegei’s ex-boyfriend, Dickson Ndiema, allegedly doused her in petrol and set her ablaze outside her home.

The reason behind this brutal attack is said to be related to an ongoing land tussle.

Cheptegei’s father, who was visibly distressed, described the attacker as someone who had been tormenting his daughter for months.

Doctors at MTRH have confirmed that Cheptegei sustained over 80% burns, with significant damage to her skin and airways.

“The amount of burns on the body is about 80% which is really severe some of them are quite deep,” said MTRH acting CEO Dr Owen Minach.

Despite the grim prognosis, the medical team is determined to stabilise her condition, with plans for further rehabilitation if she pulls through the critical first few days.

“Usually when your skin is breached to that extent we give adequate antibiotics and other products and other technologies that we employ so the key thing is to protect the body from going into multiple organ failure,” added Dr Minach.

Cheptegei’s father expressed his sorrow, sharing that the athlete’s daughters are struggling to cope with the news.

The children were at church when the attack happened, and they have since been placed under the care of their grandmother.

He has also asked the authorities to ensure her daughter gets justice and that the suspect is charged.

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