Bukomansimbi girl dies after assailants raid her in bathroom

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Security officers in Bukomasimbi District are hunting for suspected assailants who attacked a 16-year-old girl in an outside bathroom at a home in Kawoko-Kiwenjula Village, Butenga Sub-county.

Immaculate Nanziri was reportedly killed on September 3 by unidentified assailants who authorities suspect found her bathing at around 4pm from her grandmother’s home.

Police have since recovered a skirt and bra from the bathroom.

Police say Nanziri “had wounds to her back and shoulder and it is suspected that her killer used a sharp object to finish her.”

Kotilda Namuddu said she heard her granddaughter crying for help but found her with blood as she fell down to her death.

“We finished eating while she was well. She later said she wanted to go to the bathroom. She returned running telling me that they have attacked me,” Namuddu narrated.

She added that: “Nanziri had blood in the back.”

According to Namuddu, her granddaughter had no grudges with anyone.

“She would come back from school, and did not have habits of moving around the village. She would do house chores very well and then sit home. I don’t know why she was killed,” Namuddu told Monitor on Tuesday.

Nanziri’s mother Hadijah Nabyonga said she last saw her daughter on Saturday at around 6pm when she had come for her younger brother.

“Since she was living alone with her grandmother, I gave him to her and they went together,” she recounted.

Meanwhile, angry residents slammed police for taking long to respond to their distress call following to alleged murder.

“The incident happened as early as 4pm but a police sniffer dog came at 7:30pm when the evidence was already tampered with,” area resident Muhammad Kakinda observed.

“The family is well behaved, and we are wondering over the motive of the people who are behind the murder,” he added, together with several other locals.

Bukomansimbi District deputy chairperson Mubarak Ssebuufu revealed that at least eight people have been killed in the district since the year started.

He attributed the vice to the “increased use of drugs in the district where many youths do not want to work.”

Southern region police spokesperson Twaha Kasirye confirmed the incident and said the investigations into the matter have kicked off.

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