TORORO: IGG Arrests Police Officer, RSA Staff for Soliciting Bribe

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By Weswa Ronnie




The Inspectorate of Government, Mbale region (IGG) has arrested OC of Bukusu Police Post together with an Office Assistant at the Resident State Attorney’s office, Tororo.


According to Paula Dominic Baru heading IGG Mbale region office, Paulo Manyasi OC of Bukusu police post and Laban Hafula of Resident State Attorney’s office Tororo.


Baru says the duo was arrested when they approached, a one Robert Muyesa, father to Godfrey Watsaba currently remanded at Malukhu Government Prison on allegations of defiling his 14 year own pupil.


Watsaba was arrested on 8th March, 2024 and the duo is said to have already solicited over Shs15M from the father for allegedly killing the case.


Matters however went South on Monday when the duo again approached Muyesa for additional Shs3M which they claimed was for court expenses to have the case dismissed. Muyesa instead reported them to IGG’s office who laid a trap by giving him marked notes amounting to Shs1.5M which he handed over to Hafula who was promptly arrested at his office in Tororo.

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