How Barbie Itungo survived Bulindo incident

Police say they decided to use force when Bobi Wine insisted on holding a procession.

A teargas canister is said to have exploded on his left leg, causing blunt trauma according to doctors at Nsambya Hospital.

Luckily, he suffered no bone fracture although some fragments from the canister got stuck in his leg according to Joel Ssenyonyi, the Leader of the Opposition in Parliament.

Speaking earlier at the Bulindo function, Bobi Wine said he considered travelling with his wife.

He said would have come with Barbie if he had known of the surprise that awaited him at thanksgiving.

The opposition leader said he was invited by counsel Musisi for what was supposed to be a simple family event, only to find a big crowd with scores of guests.

When I came here I expected only five to 10 guests,” he said.

But I was surprised to find lots of foot-soldiers on the way and here, there are so many people. I wished for a moment that I had travelled with my Barbie.

Following the scuffle with the Police, Bobi Wine was joined by his wife, along with opposition leaders including the ailing Kawempe North MP MP Muhammad Ssegirinya.

Other leaders extended well wishes using their social media handles.

Among these was FDC’s Col Dr Kizza Besigye and the former Leader of Opposition Mathias Mpuuga who condemned the Police’s “highhandedness.”

The Police’s brutal and high-handed attack on Bobi Wine is something every right-thinking Ugandan must condemn,” Mpuuga commented.

We pray for Mr Kyagulanyi’s quick recovery and demand that the Police explain this high-handedness.

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