Four killed in Luweero as truck crashes into taxi

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Four people were killed on spot and six others sustained serious injuries after a reversing truck crashed into a taxi along the Kampala-Gulu Highway in Luwero District on Monday.

The road crash occurred at around 5am at Nakazzi Village in Luwero Town Council, Savannah region police spokesperson Sam Twiineamazima said.

According to police, 43-year-old taxi chauffeur Moses Kitata was among the four who died when the yet to be identified truck coming from the Kampala side slightly struck the Toyota Hiance (taxi) coming from Gulu on the driver’s side.”

Police recognized Kitata as a resident of Wobulenzi Town Council in Luweero District while the rest of the deceased were yet to be identified by Wednesday afternoon.

“We are actively searching for the truck driver responsible for this tragic accident,” Twiineamazima told journalists. 

However, Twiineamazima revealed that the bodies had been rushed to Luwero Hospital mortuary for postmortem while the injured are receiving treatment at the same health facility.

“Upon police receiving the information of the accident, they responded immediately, and a case of fatal accident was registered. The scene was visited and documented by crime scene officers while statements were recorded from relevant witnesses,” he added.

By press time, the ill-fated taxi had also been towed to Luwero Central Police Station for further management although police did not immediately disclose the exact cause of the accident.

According to the 2023 annual police crime report, about 25 people are either murdered or killed in road crashes in Uganda.

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