Court issues criminal summons against MP Ssemujju, Deputy Lord Mayor Nyanjura – The Kampala Report



The Buganda Road Magistrates Court has issued criminal summons for Kira Municipality MP Ibrahim Ssemujju Nganda and Kampala Deputy Mayor Doreen Nyanjura for failing to appear in court on Wednesday. Chief Magistrate Ronald Kayizzi has ordered them to appear on October 2, 2024.

The summons come in the wake of a case involving Ssemujju and Nyanjura, who are jointly charged with 12 other FDC members from the Katonga faction. The group is accused of causing a common nuisance by blocking pathways and creating disturbances during an unlawful procession to the Kenyan High Commission offices in Kampala on August 5, 2024.

The individuals charged include Wahab Musinguzi, a lawyer; Eric Wasswa, a legal assistant; Phiona Kabayiza and Zalikah Mutesi, businesswomen; Gilbert Nayebare, a hawker; Innocent Turyahikayo, a sales agent; Beston Mutambi, a student; Doreen Nyanjura, Deputy Lord Mayor; Faridah Nangozi; Ingrid Kamateneti Turinawe, a farmer and former FDC head of Mobilization; Harold Kaija, FDC Secretary General; Roland Mugume Kaginda, former MP; and Nicholas Kamara Thadeous, MP for Kabale Municipality.

The charges stem from their attempt to deliver a petition to the Kenyan High Commission, protesting the arrest and extradition of 36 of their members from Kisumu, Kenya. These 36 individuals are currently remanded in Luzira Prison, facing terrorism charges.

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