Rebecca Cheptegei attack: What we know

The brutal incident took place on Sunday in Chumeek village, Kinyoro, Trans Nzoia County. According to reports, Cheptegei’s ex-boyfriend, Dickson Ndiema, carried out the attack outside her home, reportedly due to a dispute over land ownership.

Rebecca Cheptegei had purchased a piece of land in Trans Nzoia County, close to Kenya’s renowned athletic training centers, which led to ongoing conflicts. A local administrator’s report indicated that the two had been in a long-standing wrangle over this land. Police have confirmed an investigation is underway.

Cheptegei’s father, visibly distraught, described Ndiema as a man who had been harassing his daughter for months. Neighbours reportedly came to Cheptegei’s aid after the attack, which happened as she was returning home from church with her two children.

Doctors at MTRH have revealed that Rebecca Cheptegei sustained burns to over 80% of her body, including severe damage to her skin and airways. Medical professionals are deeply concerned about the risk of multi-organ failure, a common and life-threatening complication in severe burn cases.

Cheptegei’s athletic career includes a 44th-place finish in the marathon at the Paris Olympics and a gold medal at the 2022 World Mountain and Trail Running Championships in Thailand. Born on February 22, 1991, Cheptegei has been a prominent figure in the running community since 2010.

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