KAMPALA: Terrorist Attack Suspected On China Town Supermarket as Security Closes Mall

Chinatown Supermarket in Uganda 01.webp

By Our Reporter




Security Agencies on Monday, 2nd September, 2024 closed the newly opened China Town Super Market in Lugogo, Kampala City citing an imminent terrorist attack.


Dozens of Armed Personnel and police swarmed the area in the evening when the Super Market was fully packed and using a megaphone urged shoppers to quickly exit the Super Market.


Signs were later placed at the entrances to the Super Market indicating that it had been closed. The action follows recent warnings by both the American and British Embassies warning of potential terror attacks in Kampala.


Uganda Police Spokesperson ACP Rusoke Kituuma confirmed the Security Alerts saying they coincide with the September 11 twin terrorist attacks in Kampala a date that has traditionally prompted fears of terrorist attacks.


China Town opened its doors to Shoppers on Saturday, 31st August, 2024 at the former Shoprite Super Market mainly dealing in home appliances.


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