Installation of Buganda chiefs in Kayunga irks Bunyala

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The recent installation of the Bugerere County (Kayunga district) chief and other leaders by Mengo in Kayunga District has sparked a fresh feud between Buganda and Bunyala chiefdom with the latter claiming it is a “revived annexation attempt” by the kingdom.

Recently, Buganda minister for local government Joseph Kawuki, who represented the kingdom’s premier (Katikkiro) Peter Mayiga, installed Samuel Ssemugooma as Kabaka (king) Mutebi’s Bugerere County chief.

The function at the at Ntenjeru Ssaza headquarters was attended by top Kayunga leaders including the district chairman Andrew Muwonge as well as local Buganda Kingdom loyalists.

Besides, Buganda Kingdom had early this year installed village, parish and sub-county chiefs in the area.

Bunyala chiefdom, like their counterparts Kooki and Buruli, claim that their areas are not part of Buganda Kingdom -and therefore not under the Kabaka’s rule. Mengo has always dismissed the claim.

On Tuesday, Bunyala chiefdom premier Rev Wilson Galimaka accused Buganda Kingdom of trying to “subvert our mighty cultural institution.”

“Fourteen days ago, Kawuki made an unofficial visit to our kingdom. During his visit, he reached our official headquarters in Ntenjeru where he attended an informal function for the installation of Ssemugooma,” the Rev Galimaka told journalists.

Rev Galimaka, who was flanked by a host of the ssabanyala’s ministers, denounced Kawuki’s actions saying: “Ssemugooma was given a spear and shield to confront and eliminate those opposing Mengo’s interests, and these events reveal Buganda’s revived ambition to annex the Bunyala kingdom.”

Rev Galimaka emphasized that the independence of Banyala, a recognized tribe in Uganda, is “under threat.”

“The constitution mandates that each tribe should have a leader which we have and we shall not tolerate Buganda’s attempts to play Big brother role over us,” Rev Galimaka noted.

On his part, Kawuki insisted that the Banyala are under Buganda Kingdom and the kabaka.

“People are misinterpreting the 2013 memorandum of understanding that was signed between Mengo and government. As Mengo, we recognize the nnamuyonjo as the leader of the Banyala and not the ssabanyala,” Kawuki added.

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