BUTALEJA AGAIN! 16 Year Old Gives Birth to Four Children

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By Our Reporter


A 16 year old Primary Six pupil in Butaleja district has successfully given birth to Quadruples.

Nakya Mwajuma gave birth to the four children safely at Busolwe hospital in Butaleja district on Monday, 2nd September, 2024 before she was referred to Mbale Regional Referral Hospital for better management.

She is a pupil of Namulemu primary school and a resident of Namulemu cell in Butaleja town council whereas sources say the man responsible is a Primary Seven Drop out.

Butaleja district is well known for having the youngest grandmother and a man with over 100 children.

By the time of filing this story today, 3rd September, the mother and all the four children were in good health.

This incident has however outraged the Minister of State for Youth and Child Affairs, Dr, Balaam Ateenyi Baruhagara who says,”SAY NO TO EARLY TEENAGE PREGNANCY & FORCED MARRIAGES! Outraged by the story of 16-year-old Nakya Mwajuma, a primary 6 student from Butaleja, who has given birth to 4 children! Dear Parents, Leaders & fellow citizens, let’s break the cycle of early motherhood and forced marriages. Our girls deserve education, not maternity.”

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