B2C Singers to Celebrate Ten Years at Hotel Africana

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The B2C singers have announced that they will be celebrating ten years of nonstop music next year in May.

The singers took to social media to share the news with their fans, sparking wide excitement among them.

They revealed that the show will be staged at Hotel Africana in Kampala.

“To all our fans, friends, and family, we are happy to announce that it’s about to be a decade of pure music and immense support from you all. Next year, on May 9, 2025, at Hotel Africana, we are celebrating 10 YEARS OF B2C MUSIC 🎶. More information will be communicated,” read a statement released on their Facebook page.

It should be noted that the B2C singers had planned to stage a concert this year, but it was postponed after the dates clashed with Ray G’s show, which took place in May.

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