Watch Zari dancing with Shakib after reunion in Kampala

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This apology comes after a series of heated exchanges between the couple, which were sparked by a social media post Zari made on August 12.

In that post, Zari accused Shakib of jealousy after her ex-partner and father of her children, Diamond Platnumz, attended their daughter’s birthday party in South Africa. She questioned whether Shakib was the right partner for her, stating, “I don’t think I’m for you. I’m very secure, and I chose you. But with your insecurities, if you’re thinking otherwise, then maybe you should find someone on your level. What do you bring to the table for me to be here proving myself?”

This isn’t the first time that Zari and Shakib have faced relationship issues involving Diamond Platnumz. Earlier this year, in February, the couple had a fallout after Zari was seen in a video with Diamond, where they were holding hands and smiling for the cameras. Shakib felt disrespected and upset that Zari hadn’t informed him about the video shoot beforehand.

Zari apologised to Shakib after the incident, acknowledging that she should have communicated with him about the shoot. She also revealed that their relationship had been strained since late 2023, when she removed Shakib’s photos from her social media. Despite these challenges, the couple managed to reconcile, with Shakib forgiving Zari, whom he described as having made a mistake.

Zari Hassan, a prominent businesswoman and socialite, has three children from her late husband and two with Diamond Platnumz. Shakib also has a child from a previous relationship.

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