
She Found Out About Her Boyfriend’s Completed House On Social Media. Can She Trust Him If He Is Keeping Secrets From Her?

found out about his projects on social media

When people talk about their deal breakers, cheating often tops the list. If this were Steve Harvey’s Family Feud show, cheating would definitely get the most votes on why a relationship would end. However, when you interact with more couples, especially of a mature age, you realize betrayal comes in so many shapes.

If you would have asked Isabel, the last four months before their breakup were some of the best in their two-year relationship. They had gone through a rough patch before that, and it took a lot to get back on track.

She trusted Ken again and felt that their connection was stronger than ever before. Ken had been stressed out about finances but had informed her that he was saving up for a course that would propel his career. She was super proud of him. Since he had been the one paying for most dates before, she decided to do more on that front to show support. He had always been supportive of her ventures. It was time to do the same for him.

Then, on a Sunday afternoon, she saw something on WhatsApp that caught her off-guard as she was resting and preparing for the week.

“I’m so proud of you, bro, for this huge milestone. You inspire me so much,” read the caption accompanying a beautiful house.

Isabel sat upright to have a better look at the house. Ken’s brother had put up the status. She wanted to comment on how elegant the house looked, but her internet connection was poor. Meanwhile, she thought to herself how people were constructing houses with unique designs and wondered when she’d be in that position.

The connection got stronger, and by then, Ken’s brother had put up more posts. The following picture was of Ken, the mom and dad in front of the house.

“Wait! Is this Ken’s house?” She wondered to herself. She had imagined the ‘bro’ Ken’s brother was referring to was a friend or something since people use the term to refer to anyone. It couldn’t have been her Ken since there was no way he would have undertaken such a massive project without informing her.

She had just left his house that morning, and he hadn’t mentioned anything. He had said that money was tight, but that had to do with his course, not a house he was constructing. She would have gotten a whiff of it, at least when speaking to the fundis or purchasing construction material.

She decided to respond to Ken’s brother.

“So cool, huh?” She said in response to the first picture of the house.

“Very!  You must be so proud of him, ” Ken’s brother promptly responded.

That was all the confirmation she needed. She was in shock. “Why wouldn’t he tell me about this? How did I miss it? What else am I missing?” She wondered.

She didn’t respond to Ken’s brother. Instead, she sent Ken a screenshot of the house and caption and congratulated him.

“Thanks. I am happy with the outcome,” said Ken.

“I’d have been happier if you had told me about it,” Isabela responded.

“I didn’t want to say anything until it was finished,” he responded.

“You didn’t think of mentioning anything somewhere between buying the land, getting the design and constructing it? I was with you this morning before you headed out there, and you still didn’t say anything, ” Isabella told him.

“I’m just a secretive person. I don’t like talking about my plans, ” he responded.

“You told me about the course but wouldn’t tell me about a house?” She asked.

“I would have told you since it will be an Airbnb before I move there,” Ken responded.

“Oh, that’s why you were going to tell me about it?” Isabella asked, partially abused by his reasoning and shocked, too.

“Come on, Bella, it’s not a big deal,” Ken told her.

“What other thing are you keeping from me? Are you even saving for a course? What did you think I would do if you had told me about it? ” Isabella asked Ken.

“Nothing. It just never came up, ” Ken tried to defend himself.

‘Your younger brother thought I already knew about it.  I am now getting messages from my friends; someone shared the picture.

Ken didn’t understand why Isabella was angry about him hiding the information from her. He claimed she was overreacting. The matter felt like a betrayal. She couldn’t get over how she learned about it and Ken’s reaction to it, so she left him.

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