Police arrest man suspected of attacking and killing his brother with a hammer – Sabasaba Updates


Police in Metropolitan Kampala have confirmed the arrest of a one Ssemuyaba Tonny who is suspected to be involved in the murder of his own brother, using a hammer.

Ssemuyaba’s arrest followed police response to a case of murder on 31st August 2024 in Kawaala Central, Kasubi Lubaga Division where Muyanja Julius, a boda boda rider, was killed in his home the previous night.

A police dog was brought to the crime scene, which successfully tracked down the suspect, Ssemulyaba Tonny, who is the deceased’s brother.

According to the police spokesperson, ACP Kituuma Rusoke, a search of Ssemulyaba’s residence by investigators found bloodstains and a hammer also stained with blood.

Ssemuyaba was subsequently detained on suspicion of involvement in his brother’s death – according to Mr Rusoke.

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