Cheddar promises to industrialise all 16 regions


Nana Kwame Bediako

Nana Kwame Bediako, the founder of the New Force Movement, has pledged to industrialise all 16 regions of the country.

He made this commitment during an event on September 1, 2024, where he introduced what he calls the 12 Pillars for Development.

Using artist impressions and mock-ups, Bediako detailed the costs associated with his plans for each region.

We have to take the Western Region seriously because it has a lot of natural resources, he emphasised. Western Region is going to become the Texas of Africa, he added.

He further stated, We need to export more, not import more.

Addressing a proposal by the NDC’s flagbearer, Bediako remarked, No industrialisation, no 24-hour economy. It will take a machine to produce three different shifts.

He outlined the other pillars as follows:

Pillar 2 – Water: Expanding the country through water transportation.

Pillar 3 – Energy City: We are going to create an energy city that is fit to power all industries. No energy, no technology,” he said. Bediako added, Ghana needs a technology hub, and that’s why we’re combining it with an energy city.

Pillar 4 – Reserves: Establishing food reserves that will last for 100 years.

Pillar 5 – National Sovereign Wealth Fund: Creating a fund that Bediako describes as “the new IMF.”

Pillar 6 – The SSNIT Revolution:

Transforming SSNIT into a National Insurance Fund.

Pillar 7 – Industri-cation: Combining industrialisation with education. We need to de-westernise our education, he emphasised.

Pillar 8 – Environmental and Human Rights Protection:

– We are sitting on gold, yet we are running around for money.

– We will purify all polluted rivers.

– Our forest reserves have billions of trillions in them, but we’re not protecting them. Instead, we’re going around begging for money.”

– Protecting the rights of journalists.

– Allowing the youth to vote.

Pillar 9 – Apostolic Governance:

A system with one president and 12 ministers.

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