NUP Fans Angry At Mudra for accepting money from Museveni’s camp

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Just a day before his concert, dancehall musician Mudra registered as a member of the National Unity Platform and was welcomed by its President, Bobi Wine, who even endorsed his concert.

However, the singer faced backlash from NUP supporters after inviting Museveni’s aide, Hajjat Hadijah Namyalo, to his concert.

Namyalo also urged Mudra’s fans to remain steadfast in their support of President Museveni, which angered NUP supporters, who criticized Mudra for receiving money from Museveni.

Despite this, Mudra praised Bobi Wine during the same show, sparking an online discussion about where his true allegiance lies.

It should be noted that Hajjat Hadijah Namyalo is the coordinator of the National Resistance Movement’s Office of the National Chairman. She is known for supporting artists, particularly those who show loyalty to President Museveni.

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