Murdah Bongz excited as he wins GQ’s Best Dressed: Editors’ Choice Award

Murdah Bongz

Murdah Bongz

Murdah Bongz keeps winning

South African music producer and DJ, Murdah Bongz, has added another accolade to his list of achievements, but this time it’s not for his music.

The star recently won GQ’s prestigious Best Dressed: Editors’ Choice Award, an honour that celebrates his unique style and fashion sense.

Murdah Bongz, also known as Morda took to social media to express his gratitude and excitement in a video.

In the video, the musician delivered his electrifying dance moves, and captioned, “Thank you @gqsouthafrica for Best Dressed: Editors’ Choice Award.”

This award is part of GQ’s annual Best Dressed list, which highlights individuals who have made significant impacts in the fashion world, whether through their personal style, innovation, or influence.

The Editors’ Choice Award is particularly special because it reflects the unique perspective and taste of GQ’s editorial team.


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