Black Stars coach Otto Addo, Fatau Dauda, John Paintsil survive terrible accident


Black Stars head coach Otto Addo, along with his assistant coaches John Paintsil and Fatau Dauda, have survived a severe road accident.

Images shared on social media showed significant damage to their vehicle, with goalkeepers’ trainer Fatau Dauda seen walking past the wreckage.

According to comments made shortly after the accident, likely by Paintsil, the coaches seemed to be uninjured, although a thorough check for any possible injuries will be conducted later.

Otto Addo, John Paintsil, and Fatawu Dauda were returning from Tarkwa after watching the Champion of Champions match between Nsoatreman and Samartex.

The trio had attended the game at the TNA Sports Stadium and were heading to Accra to begin preparations for Ghana’s opening 2025 Africa Cup of Nations qualifiers against Angola and Niger.

The Black Stars are set to commence their qualifying campaign against Angola on Thursday, 5 September 2024, at the Baba Yara Sports Stadium.

The team is expeced to begin their initial training session at the Accra Sports Stadium on Monday, 2nd September 2024, as they gear up for Thursday’s match.

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