NAGRC kick-starts ambitious plan for Aswa Ranch

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National Animal Genetic Resources Centre and Data Bank (NAGRC&DB) has released an ambitious plan for redevelopment and reequipping of Aswa Ranch.

Aswa Ranch is one of the ranches/animal management centres that are managed by NAGRC.

NAGRC was established by the Animal Breeding Act, 2001. It’s one of the statutory semi-autonomous bodies of the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries (MAAIF). Formation of NAGRC&DB was part of the fulfilment of the aspirations in the National Animal Breeding Policy (1997), document and the Action Plan for its implementation providing guidelines to all actors in the animal breeding and production value-chain.

The actors included input suppliers, farmers, companies, researchers, extension workers and civic leaders on suitable breeds for the various ecological and production systems. It also provided for alternative breeding programmes; import, export and trade in genetic materials; breeding and management systems for conservation and sustainable use of indigenous genetic resources and use of modern breeding technologies in the country.

NAGRC Operates 17  farms and ranches situated in all the sub-regions of Uganda (Maruzi ranch in Apac, Got Apwoyo ranch in Nwoya, Aswa ranch in Pader and Lamwo districts, Iriri in Napak district, Kasolwe in Kamuli district, Bulago in Bulambuli, Njeru in Buikwe, Lusenke in Kayunga district, Livestock Experimentation Station in Wakiso district, National Poultry and Piggery Development Centre in Wakiso district, Nshaara ranch in Kiruhura district, Sanga ranch in Kiruhura district, Ruhengyere ranch in Kiruhura district and Rubona stock farm in Bunyangabu district, the National Bull Stud in Wakiso district, the Bukedi Regional Poultry Development Centre in Tororo and the Karamoja Regional Poultry Development Centre in Abim

Nagrc also is involved in skilling and capacity building unit – ARTs and modern animal husbandry practices. Others are National Small Ruminants Resources Unit (goats and sheep), National Pig Resources Development Unit, National Sire Stud Unit for Semen Production, Packaging, Storage and Distribution.

Started in the 1960s, Aswa Ranch measures 165 square miles and is situated in Pader and Lamwo districts

NAGRC Executive Director, Dr. Peter Beine informed Eagle Online that Aswa Ranch land is titled under Uganda Livestock Industries Limited (ULIL), an agency previously housed under the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development (MoFPED) and currently listed for mainstreaming to MAAIF under the government rationalization bill

“Under the Animal Breeding Act, 2001, Aswa Ranch is among the government ranches placed under the management of NAGRC&DB although the certificate of title remained in the names of ULIL and under custody of MoFPED” Dr Beine said.

The ambitious plan by NAGRC comes at the time when leaders from Northern Uganda like other parts of the country are pressing government for more funding of the sector.

Dr Peter Beine
NAGRC Executive Director, Dr. Peter Beine.

Breeding and multiplication of beef cattle i.e. the Boran-Zebu crossbreeding program, the Brahman-Ankole crossbreeding program, the Angus-Ankole crossbreeding program, the Simmental-Ankole crossbreeding program

NAGRC intends to acquire the following for Aswa Ranch:

Acquisition of 4500 tropicalized fast maturing grandparent pig stock

Beef cattle (28800 acres – 45 sq. miles)

Establishment of 30 beef cattle feed lots for accelerated breeding and multiplication (5000 beef cattle capacity each)

Establishment of 200 commercial breeding paddocks

Acquisition of two mobile Assisted Reproductive Technological equipment (ARTs)

Acquisition of 150,000 tropicalized beef cattle

Establishment and equipping of a regional semen bank

Establishment of an Embryo transfer services unit for pure Shorthorn Zebu breed multiplication (Disease controlled zone, embryo and egg collection platform, embryo processing laboratory)

Camel breeding program (6400acres – 10 sq. miles)

Acquisition of appropriate camel breeding stock (500)

Establishment of 5 camel disease control units

Establishment of 10 camel breeding paddocks

Establishment of specialised high-capacity camel sheds with corresponding handling facilities

Dairy cattle (12800 acres – 20 sq.miles)

Establishment of 10 high-capacity dairy cattle shed complexes for accelerated multiplication and availing to farmers

Establishment of 50 breeding paddocks

Construction of 10 milking parlours and equipping them

Acquisition of 5000 appropriate dairy cattle

Establishment and equipping of a semen bank

Establishment and equipping of a semen bank

Creation of perimeter and internal fencing as well as biosecurity gates

Establishment of 20 spray races

Establishment of 10 dip tanks with bomas and treatment crushes

Animal fodder and feed production (36480 acres – 57 sq.miles)

Acquisition of 30 heavy-duty (250hp) tractors with compatible primary tillage, secondary tillage, aerial pest and weed control and harvesting equipment

Establishment of five assorted animal feed processing plants

Establishment of 10 high-capacity grain and processed animal feed storage facilities

Acquisition of 10 animal feed haulage trucks

Establishment of radial and converging ranch fire breaks

Acquisition of 5 sets of rangeland management machinery

Establishment of 10 high-capacity hay barns

Water reticulation (300 acres)

Acquisition of 10 sets of mobile pressurized irrigation equipment

Construction of 50 valley tanks with comprehensive water reticulation systems including appropriate water trough points across the farm

Farm administration, skilling and training (340 acres)

Construction and equipping of two learning centers (skilling and knowledge transfer)

Construction and equipping of four hostel blocks

Establishment of 50 farm staff housing units

Establishment of machinery and equipment sheds Conservation, Gene banking & EBV Unit (National & Eastern African Regional gene-banks)

National Poultry Resources Development Unit -67.51 acres at Wakiso

Apiculture Unit for production of food, pharmaceutical, and cosmetic grade products, etc.

 Fish breeding and conservation Unit

Animal Feed Production Unit –pasture seed multiplication, fodder production & Conservation, and industrial feed production

Liquid Nitrogen Production and Distribution Unit – expanded to include Njeru & Mbarara for decentralized services

Community-based Breeding services & outreach Unit

 Embryo Transfer Services Unit – for Pure Breed Multiplication through MOET & In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF)

National Livestock Quarantine & Evaluation Centre (NLQEC)

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