Karimojong warrior arrested over killing of head teacher

UWA Heightens Deployment in Upe Pian Game Reserve to Curb Poaching

Joint Security Forces have arrested a Karimojong warrior who allegedly shot dead the head teacher of Narube Primary School in Kaabong district.

Loumwa Lomol, a resident of Moruangikamar village in Kathile sub-county was arrested on Friday in Kamachariko Trading Centre. Alfred Lokong Namboso was shot dead on Tuesday.

Major Isacc Oware, the UPDF 3rd Division Spokesperson says that after his arrest, the forces mounted a search at Loumwa’s home that led to the recovery of an AK 47 riffle No. 27326 with 28 rounds of ammunition.

According to Oware, upon interrogation, the suspect further revealed that together with other suspects who are still at large including one UPDF deserter identified as Lioki Lokiding, shot dead Namboso with 2 bullets.

Namboso was allegedly killed because he was planning to testify in court against Lokiding’s brother who is in prison over charges of theft of items belonging Narube Primary School.

Loumwa is currently being held at the UPDF 45th battalion headquarter

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