Over 30 Ugandans flagged off for Chevening studies in UK

Thirty three Ugandans have been flagged off for  the Chevening  and commonwealth scholarship programmes in the United Kingdom, UK.

The beneficiaries will study from different universities in the UK that include University of Oxford, University of Stirling, Oxford University Diplomatic Studies Programme, University of Cambridge, Brunel University London, Durham University among others.

The Deputy British High Commissioner to Uganda, Ms Tiffany Kirlew said that the beneficiaries will not only get prestigious degrees but also gain invaluable experiences, lifelong friendships, and a deeper understanding of the global community.
She explained that universities provide not only the opportunity for incredible education but self-reliance, discovery, networks and endless opportunities of what they can become and contributions they can make to Uganda and the wider world.

“Today marks the start of greater things to come for you in your careers and your sense to drive positive change in Uganda. I am proud to say that 1 in 7 global leaders were educated in the UK and you have been chosen because we believe you have the potential to become the next generation of leaders,” Ms Kirlew said.

She added that Chevening Scholars have ambition, leadership potential, a strong academic background, and an excellent record of rising to prominent positions in their countries across a range of fields.

Ugandans who have benefited from Chevening scholarships return home to make positive changes in their communities.

Commonwealth Scholarships are offered by the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission (CSC) as part of the UK’s ongoing commitment to the Commonwealth. Each year around 800 students are given the chance to undertake postgraduate degrees with UK universities, with an aim of nurturing talented and aspiring change makers who would otherwise not be able to afford an education in the UK.

More than 1,900 Ugandans have benefited from the Commonwealth Scholarships and this year marks 65 years of the Commonwealth scholarship.

Ms Kirlew noted that the group that was flagged on August 29th are the 41st cohort of the Chevening Scholars from Uganda.

“I urge you to remain true to the principles that brought you here: curiosity, integrity, and a passion for making a positive impact. Whether in public service, academia, business, or any other field, your contributions will shape the future of Uganda,” Ms Kirlew said.

She added; “We believe you have the power to create lasting change to uplift others, and to lead with empathy and understanding.”

Ms Kirlew asked the scholars to make connections and networks while in the UK as well as touring the country.

The President of the Chevening Alumni Association of Uganda, Mr Allan Brian Ssembajjwe asked the scholars to live well while in the UK.

Mr Ssembajjwe was also encouraged them to come back after studying and contribute to the development of Uganda.

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