MPs Akamba, Mawanda Given Stringent Bail Terms

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By Our Reporter




Igara East MP Michael Mawanda, his Busiki MP Paul Akamba and lawyer Julius Taitankoko who are accused of defrauding government Shs3.4b have been released on bail.


The three were granted cash bail of Shs35 million each by Justice Jane Okuo Kajuga today, Friday, 30th August, 2024. Court also ordered the trio to deposit their Passports in court.


While giving the accused bail, Justice Okuo argued against the prosecution that was not comfortable with bail saying the accused persons had spent two months on remand and that hearing of their case is soon since investigations are complete.

Their co-accused, the Elgon MP, Mudimi Wamakuyu was earlier granted bail on Wednesday, 28th August, 2024 on similar terms.

This leaves, former Trade Ministry Permanent Secretary, the only one still languishing on remand at Luzira after a spirited fight by prosecution against her getting bail.


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