MANAFWA: Two Health Workers Face Arrest over Drug Theft


By Weswa Ronnie



Bugobero Health Center IV

To health workers attached to Bugobero Health Center IV are facing imminent arrest on allegations of drug theft in the facility.


The State House Anti Corruption Unit and RDC Secretariat Heads gave the order for the arrest of Yahaya Songoni, a store man at Bugobero health center IV and another staff only known as  Violet over allegations of involvement in drug theft.


The two teams were in Manafwa district on Thursday, 29th August, 2024 monitoring government programs where the issue of drug theft especially at Bugobero Health Center IV was raised.


Bugobero health center IV is one of the health centers the district wants the government to upgrade to a hospital since the district has no hospital.


Major Martha Asiimwe, the Head of RDC Secretariat noted that theft of government drugs especially at Bugobero health center IV have been raised on many occasions but the district authorities have not taken any action.


Asimwe then asked district leaders to arrest the pair.


The Chief Administrative Officer Leru Andrew was tasked by major Asiimwe to explain the inconsistencies in the Health department and whether he chose an incompetent staff in the capacity of Acting DHO.


The CAO tasked the acting DHO Ephraim Nakhokho to respond to the issues raised at hand.


Nakhokho admitted that the vice of drug theft is something that has been going on especially at Bugobero health center IV but together with the District Executive, they have held several engagements to find a lasting solution to the problem.


He however noted that they are to put strict supervision and surveillance to stop the vice.


However, Asimwe issued instructions to the DHO together with CAO to take action of arresting the two such that others can take it as an example.


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