7 boys in tricycle die after colliding with Toyota RAV4


A tragic accident took place at approximately in Sunyani Mantukwa, located in the Sunyani West Municipality of the Bono Region, where seven young boys lost their lives in a fatal collision between a tricycle, known locally as a ‘Pragya,’ and a Toyota RAV4.

The impact was so devastating that none of the boys survived; they were all reportedly killed instantly.

The driver of the Toyota RAV4, who was the only person in the vehicle, fled the scene immediately after the collision.

It is believed that the driver escaped to avoid a potential mob attack, given the horrific nature of the accident.

Local authorities are currently investigating the incident and are making efforts to track down the Toyota RAV4 driver.

The Sunyani Mantukwa community is in deep mourning as they grapple with the heartbreaking loss of these young lives.

This period recorded 6,653 road accidents involving 11,283 vehicles, including private cars, commercial vehicles, motorcycles, and bicycles. Alongside the fatalities, 7,561 individuals were injured in these accidents.

According to the National Road Safety Authority (NRSA), there was a 13% rise in road accidents compared to previous years, raising serious concerns about the efficacy of current road safety strategies.

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