Fernando Bassey: Kotoko midfielder says he plays like Vinicius Jr and Mbappe


Newly signed Asante Kotoko midfielder Fernando Bassey has said his style of play is similar to that of Vinicius Jr and Kylian Mbappe.

Asked about his style of play, Bassey said: “For now, I will say Vinicius Jr and Mbappe, that’s my style of play.”

Bassey, who is a Nigerian, joined Kotoko on a free transfer after parting ways with Nigerian Professional Football League (NPFL) side Akwa United.

He spent six years at Akwa United and played an important role as the club were crowned Nigerian champions in the 2020/21 season.

“Asante Kotoko is pleased to announce the signing of Fernando Wisdom Bassey on a free transfer,” Kotoko announced in a statement.

“The 22-year-old versatile midfielder has committed to a three-year contract, keeping him at the club until 2027. Bassey will inherit the number seven shirt from the departing Bernard Somuah.”

Meanwhile, Bassey also expressed his delight at joining Kotoko and said he was looking forward to helping the club achieve its objectives.

“I am well aware of the stature of Asante Kotoko and its significance to the supporters. The club has a rich history on the continent, and representing them is a great honour, especially given the shared cultural ties between Ghana and Nigeria,” the midfielder said.

“Asante Kotoko is based in Kumasi, a city known for its deep passion for football. The enthusiasm here is unmatched, particularly when Kotoko or the Black Stars play, as seen during the World Cup play-off against Nigeria. I’m thrilled that everything has been finalized, and I look forward to helping my new teammates achieve our goals for the season.”

Kotoko finished sixth in the Ghana Premier League last season and are currently rebuilding their squad ahead of next season.

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