Tequila Tuesdays draws crowds with vibrant midweek party

By midnight, Cask Lounge was buzzing with hundreds of high-energy revelers, all keen to make the most of their night. Whether taking smooth tequila shots or savoring expertly crafted cocktails, it was clear that tequila was the drink of choice for everyone.

The night featured a stellar lineup of DJs who kept the party vibe alive. DJ Ricky kicked off with a diverse set that got everyone moving, followed by DJ Dash, who maintained the high energy with his signature beats. But it was Fem DJ who truly stole the show, getting the entire crowd on their feet with a playlist that seemed to have something for everyone.

Simon Lapyem, Innovations Manager at UBL, shared his thoughts on the partnership, saying, “With Tequila Tuesday, we are creating a midweek space where people can unwind, connect, and celebrate life in style. We are excited to be part of a concept that has been thriving for seven years. Our goal is to make Don Julio the tequila of choice for those who appreciate quality and want to enjoy every moment.”

As the night progressed, the atmosphere only became more electric, with guests dancing, laughing, and celebrating in style. Known for its upscale ambiance, Cask Lounge solidified its place as the go-to destination for a fantastic Tuesday night out.

In addition to its success with Tequila Tuesdays, the venue has also partnered with the Daycation Brunch series at Silo 15 in Bugolobi, held every last Sunday of the month, further expanding its footprint in Kampala’s social scene.

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