Baba Rahman turned down Black Stars call-up due to bullying – Otto Addo


Ghana coach Otto Addo has opened up on why Abdul Baba Rahman has been absent from the Black Stars for close to a year.

The PAOK defender has been in imperious form for his club but hasn’t returned to the national team fold in a while since the incident.

Addressing journalists after announcing his latest squad for the Black Stars’ upcoming 2025 AFCON qualifiers against Angola and Niger, Addo said the bullying of Rahman affected the player.

He further disclosed that he has tried to get the former Chelsea man to return to the national team but the player has consistently turned down an invite.

“Players have families and friends and it affects a whole lot of things. They’re all human beings and there should always be a line. I hope that one day Baba will decide to play again [for the Black Stars] but at the moment he doesn’t want to play,” Addo said.

“We would have needed him very much. I had a long talk with him and I even wanted to fly there but he was sure he wouldn’t change his mind.”

Meanwhile, Ghana will face Angola on September 6 in Kumasi before taking on Niger in their next AFCON qualifier four days later.

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